Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hand Histories

Here are the hand histories from my previous session:

This was the first hand of the match. I tend to stack off extremely light when awkward situations come about in the first hand. I am not sure that I like my play here, but I do not think that it is horrible.

Ali had been 4 better me a fair amount during this match. With the draws out there, I thought it best to raise the flop. When he shoved over the top of me, I put him on a semi-bluff or just a bluff. I was shocked to see that he played KT that way. I got destroyed on this hand. This is by fat the most interesting hand of the session. I do not want to get results oriented about it. Does anyone think this an acceptable play? or am I just crazy?

After recalling this horrible stack off, I would say that I was on tilt this hand and the last one posted. I have no clue why this occured...

This was also in the midst of my tilt. This may be the worst bluff attempt in history. I am quite disappointed in myself for barrelling in this spot....

So at this point in the session. Nothing is going right. I am playing badly. Getting in tough situations. Having prolems catching hands. I went out for a cig. When I came back, I decided to 4 table. I am not really going to explain any of the winning hands that I played. Its pretty obvious what to do. I caught cards and got paid off.

I like my turn bet on this one. For some reason my other hands for stacks against this opponent are not there. 


  1. give me some stuff not about poker ;)

  2. On the 44 v KK hand, I would have laid down to the reraise. not worth defending or trying to push against something equal or larger.

    otherwise, nice hands
